Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stories of Adult Transnational Adoptees and their American Parents

Please consider participating in this research project, Stories of Adult Transnational Adoptees and their American Parents, led by a mother-daughter team of researchers.

There is a survey for adoptees and a survey for adoptive parents.

I completed the survey for adoptees in approximately 30 minutes, give or take. I'm looking forward to following this research, and I hope that as many as possible will choose to participate, because this type of research is desperately needed--and the more that participate, the more helpful and productive the research will be.

Feel free to pass the information along.


Claudia said...

What a brilliant project! Looking forward to reading the results when they come out.

The Byrd's Nest said...

That was really hard to give those answers without further information. I was thankful at the end they let you say something to help explain my answers better. I look forward to the results!!!

Reena said...

Sounds like an interesting survey. I will definitely check out the book when published. Unfortunately, given the young age of my girls, I don't think my participation will warrant much of any helpful info.

I will post the links to our local FCC group and other adoption group.

Yoli said...

I look forward to it, though like Reena, my answers due to my children's ages might not be of much help. Also, we are not Americans or white.