You know how sadness feels. It is both a dull and intense pain.
* * *
It begins as a muffled twinge in your heart and head. Slowly, as it intensifies, it begins to seep into your chest and throughout your limbs until it overtakes your entire being.
* * *
It has an unbearable weight to it that is almost suffocating.
It obscures you.
It is a dark, heavy residue, a thick and crushing fog.
It sticks to you. It presses down on you.
Until, you can take it no longer. Until, your body and mind begin to tremble.
Until, the tears break forth and cascade downward, falling into a kind of miserable freedom.
The release. The breaking. The exodus.
* * *
The deep sadness extends itself and collects upon the ground.
It has found its way out.
* * *
While leaving me behind.
Tears with you.
my heart goes out to you.
"It begins as a muffled twinge in your heart and head. Slowly, as it intensifies, it begins to seep into your chest and throughout your limbs until it overtakes your entire being."
Every time I click End Call or hang up the phone with my Ma, I know -exactly- how that feels.
That's why I haven't been able to pick up the phone.
Grief is tough to face.
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