Friday, April 9, 2010

American parents send adopted 7-year old back to Russia, by himself

"A seven-year-old boy arrived at a Moscow airport from the United States on Saturday morning. “I refuse him”, read the note the boy carried with him..."

Click on the title or link above to go to the article and an accompanying video. Or click on the link below for an additional video on the story...


The Byrd's Nest said...

I could barely make it through the article....makes me sick at my stomach. Some...not all..adoptive parents are simply clueless. Why? I don't know because there is no excuse for uneducated adoptive parents in this day. NO EXCUSE!! Your child can be completely physically healthy but they all...and I mean ALL have emotional problems that parents should have prepared themselves for BEFORE the child came home. I know parents that "think" when you adopt an infant it is better because the child has less "emotional baggage"....whatever!!!!! Not true!

Again.....parents that refuse to read about attachment and bonding issues....emotional problems the child WILL have and how to help them is totally unacceptable...totally!

Sorry.....this strikes a nerve with me. I will begin praying for this poor little boy.

The Byrd's Nest said...

I read back over my comment and didn't want to sound too harsh but it is so upsetting to see a child treated this way. How terribly frightening for a 7 yr old!

My two little ones have so many different issues that we work with on a daily basis. Insecurity...constant fear of us leaving them...not trusting people...not being able to express their anger....all of these areas my girls struggle with we expected them to struggle with.... they both suffered trauma and it does require some education from the parents. I can't put a band-aid on their pain that they feel but I can try to help them in any way possible. Sorry to write so much...have a nice weekend

Mia_h_n said...

This really ticked me off, to put it nicely! I will however choose to clam up on this one in stead of going off on a long rant. Not to say anything about Byrd's rant, I just meant that you have already said it all, so no reason for me to do a repeat ;)
Actually I didn't even read the whole article. The headline alone provoked me, and a few paragraphs in I decided enough was enough.

The other boy who died from heat exhaustion(?) that the lady correspondent talks about, is that a recent story from the US?

Liv said...

I think that case happened in July of 08. The father was acquitted (not sure of the date for that, I believe Dec 08).

Liv said...

@Mia, you got me curious about the little boy who died due to being left in the car. Besides the fact of being forgotten in the car by his dad (seems to be happening to a lot more kids these days; incredibly sad), what was also disturbing about that case was that they had just adopted him 3 months prior. Only 3 months in the U.S. and he died. Not to mention that the dad had forgotten to drop him off at daycare. So 3 months into coming to the U.S and being separated from his previous caretakers, language, culture, environment, he's in a daycare facility. I can't see that that gives any time for bonding and attachment. Three months. That just breaks my heart.

윤선 said...

Despite the fact that I'm normally very vocal, I just didn't know what to say to this... it's just so awful...

Denise said...

Heartbreaking and disturbing...

Third Mom said...

This story left me speechless. Seriously, there are no words for it.

But what frightens me a lot is a comment by the sheriff, who said he wasn't sure a crime had been committed. Great, and he's been put in charge of the investigation by the State Department.

So incredibly sad.